DataGarden: Formalizing Personal Sketches into Structured Visualization Templates

Sketching is a common practice among visualization designers, and an approachable entry to visualizations for individuals, but moving from a sketch to a full fledged data visualization often requires throwing away the original sketch recreating it from scratch. We aim to instead formalize these sketches, enabling them to support iteration and systematic data mapping through a visual-first templating workflow. In this workflow, authors sketch a representative visualization and structure it into an expressive template for an envisioned or partial dataset, capturing implicit style as well as explicit data mappings. In order to demonstrate and evaluate our proposed workflow, we implement DataGarden, and evaluate it through a reproduction and a freeform study. We discuss how DataGarden supports personal expression, and delve into the variety of visualizations that authors can produce with it, identifying cases which demonstrate the limitations of our approach and discuss avenues for future work.

Accepted to the Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2024.

Video Figure

Gallery | Tutorial Video | Reproduction Study | Free-form Study


We evaluated Datagarden using three established methods: a reproduction study with 12 participants to evaluate the system's concepts; a free-form evaluation with 4 visualization experts to evaluate the workflow appropriability and creativity support of the system; and a gallery of visualizations produced with Datagarden to evaluate the strengths and limitations of the data structures and approach.


Recreation of Expert Participant Designs

Here we reproduce the design by the expert participants. As these designs push the boundries of what the system is capable of, there was insufficient time during the study to complete them, so we reproduced them after the study, and present the recreations here.

Study Apparatus


In both studies participants were provided with the following tutorial and demo visualization to work with

Study 1: Reproduction Study

The reproduction study asked participants to create a visualization given a visual inspiration and set of data mappings. Below are the materials used during the study.

Download Survey The survey provided to participants.
Download Study 1 Protocol Study protocol that was used for conducting the study.
Download Study 1 Task Deck Slide deck that participants were asked to follow.
Download Worksheet The worksheet the participants completed in Task 1.

Resulting Reproductions













Study 2: Free-form Study with Experts

In the freeform study, experts were instructed in the use of the system, then worked through the design of a visualization.

Download Demographic Questions The pre-study demographic interview
Download Tutorial Slides The Slide deck provided to participants to instruct them in the use of the system.
Download Gallery Overview An overview of a few visualization authored with DataGarden to provide inspiration for what is possible with the system.